Architectural Society
SAH provides the leadership that shows the central role architecture, design, landscapes, and urbanism play in the quality of everyday life.

Research Materials
A 265-page reference book, a survey, and a brochure (funded by the Andrew W.Mellon Foundation) to be used by provosts, deans and architecture programs at colleges and universities across the world.
“Thank you for developing a unique and elegant solution! Thank you for developing cover designs that dovetail so nicely with the project itself!! The color palette you chose is really great—challenging, interesting, visually engaging—certainly a wake up call for a report that’s all data.” Pauline Saliga, Society of Architectural Historians Executive Director
This research project, called the SAH Data Project, is the first national, in-depth study designed to assess the health of the field of architectural history, which includes the history of architecture, landscape design, urbanism, and other fields related to the designed and built environment.
SAH collected quantitative and qualitative data about the status of the field of architectural history in US institutions of higher education. This book, brochure and survey design are the visual representation of many years of this data and research.
Our strategy for this design was to use the established SAH brand typography, develop a new color palette based on their single brand color (red), and turn their powerpoint slides of research data into sophisticated, professional, yet exciting reference materials. We formatted 180 graphs to match the overall design and did not use any images, at their request. This was a challenge we absolutely loved! How awesome is it to work just with type?!!
Project Photography: Stacey Jemison