University of Texas at Arlington

A series of print, banner, and other digital advertisements for the new Gerontology certificate program at the University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing.


December 2020 • February 2021


Advertising • Print • Digital


Strategy • Image Sourcing • Design


Based in Arlington, TX, UTA is a Carnegie Research 1 institution spanning 420 acres. The UTA College of Nursing is a three-time designated National League of Nurses Center of Excellence, a designation awarded to institutions that demonstrate an unwavering commitment to excellence in nursing education. Their mission is to advance global health and the human condition through transdisciplinary collaboration by engaging in high-quality teaching, research, scholarship, practice and service to prepare a diverse population of health professionals and to reduce health disparities.

For this project, we were given quite a tight turnaround time, which we would normally turn down in a heartbeat, but this program had just hired a new director, it was December, and the deadline for ads to run was in early January. WHEW!! The director was so kind that we decided to take on the project and make it work.

Now, because we were working with an established brand (meaning they provided all the fonts, colors, etc.), this project was doable in the timeframe. They also provided the exact specs for the ads, down to which logo to use for each ad, so all we needed to do was reserve brain space for strategy and design.



With this being a brand new program, the ads were designed to instantly direct the eye. Ads are normally placed where there is a ton of other content and imagery to look at, so we sourced images with gerontology patients to quickly show the type of nursing program this is for, while providing clear CTAs (calls to action).

Banner ads are much smaller, so increasing the size of the logo was a strategic move for easy brand recognition, with just the right amount of information to invite someone to click the button.

UTA AdsFoodCorp Research ReportFoodCorp Research ReportFoodCorp Research Report

The various designs were fun to create, even while working within pretty strict parameters. We accomplished the goal of clean, effective marketing design as we have been informed that these ads have been viewed by thousands and thousands of people.

Thanks again for all your work and help! You’re an incredible talent and I hope we can work together again in the future. These are definitely the best ads I’ve seen for our College – so thanks!
Sarah McBride

Associate Director, Marketing & Communication - UTA College of Nursing